Hamburg Rooted Parsley

Turnip-rooted parsley is a subspecies of parsley that is grown specifically for its roots.  It is a hardy vegetable resembling a carrot in shape and appearance. The beige-coloured roots have a celery-like flavour, and the stems and leaves can be eaten just like regular parsley. This variety is easy to grow anywhere in Australia, and does best in a sunny, open position in well-drained, moist soil.

Parsley Root is very common in Central and Eastern European cuisines, particularly in winter recipes. It is available year-round with a peak season during winter and is used in soups and stews, or simply eaten raw, as a snack. The root is snappy, yet tender when raw, and smooth and creamy once cooked.

It works particularly well in combination with other roots and tubers such as carrots, potatoes, turnips, and onions. Use parsley root in braises, soups, stews, and vegetable mixes to add depth and aroma.

If the roots are small, they may be cooked whole or cut, sliced, diced into braises, stews, and soups. Boil or steam and serve with a little butter and salt & pepper. Parsley root is good when puréed with other vegetables such as potatoes and carrots. The leaves are great for making tabouli, and taste good with both hot dishes and salads.

Parsley root is loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C, folate, magnesium and zinc. Moreover, it packs almost 20% of the daily requirement for fiber while still being low in calories and fat, making it a great nutrient-dense option for a variety of diets.

Parsley Soup
  • 1 cup of Hamburg parsley leaves, roots and stems (chopped)
  • 3 cups of chicken stock
  • cream (optional)

Place chopped up parsley and chicken stock in a saucepan and simmer for five minutes. Tip into a food processor and blend until smooth. Reheat and serve with a dollop of cream if desired.

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